Importance of the mechanical pre-treatment for Enamel applications

BoilerBlasting machine
Even twenty and more years ago air-blasting process was one of the best options, but nobody knew exactly, how the surface inside boiler/water tank should be right sandblasted, which physical and chemical processes going on during firing and how to get equal, right and controlled surface inside tanks, where you can’t see anything… And how is with this problem today, when quantity and quality are crucial points to stay on the market?

Enameling: Why and when?

Vitreous Enamelling is one of the best and longer lasting protections against corrosion. It is widely used for the coating of cooking pots, electric water heaters and a range of different products. With enamel being fragile and shock-sensitive, the entire enamelling process must be performed correctly and in a controlled manner. Perfect and uniform surface treatment prior to enamelling plays a crucial role.